The Dysteleological Argument, Part 2: The Watchmaker Analogy


For the second post on the dysteleological argument, I will tackle the watchmaker analogy. Put fourth by William Paley, this analogical argument aims to show that since the complexity of a watch implies a designer, and the universe is relevantly analogous to a watch, a designer of the universe must exist.

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The Dysteleological Argument, Part 1: The Argument

The argument from poor design, occasionally referred to as the dysteleological argument, is an argument that takes sub-optimal (sometimes seemingly egregious) design in nature and uses it as evidence against an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent creator deity.
It is important to note that this post is purely an explication of the argument, not a positive defense of it. I will take a stance on whether the argument is successful or unsuccessful in future posts in this series. This first post is simply meant to lay the groundwork for the argument and to briefly characterize some of the reasons one might find it initially plausible.
First, I will provide the argument from design to give some context. A popular version is as follows:

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