Theories of Mind (Part 8): Final Assessment

This post marks the eighth and final installment in my series on four prominent theories concerning the nature of the mind. Note, of course, that I will be covering the nature of the mind in even greater depth in future posts on this blog. This series, however, has finally come to an end. In this final post, then, I will give a final assessment of plausibility of the four theories. For requisite context, it would be best to check out Parts 123, and 4, and 5, and 6, and 7. Let’s get into it! Read more “Theories of Mind (Part 8): Final Assessment”

Theories of Mind (Part 7): Churchland’s Eliminative Materialism

This post marks the seventh installment in my series on the nature of the mind. In this post, we will critically evaluate Churchland’s eliminative materialism. For requisite context, it would be best to check out Parts 123, and 4, and 5, and 6. Let’s get this bread!

3693388_0 Read more “Theories of Mind (Part 7): Churchland’s Eliminative Materialism”

Theories of Mind (Part 4): The Interaction Problem

Rene Descartes provided a number of arguments for the immateriality of the mind. For that requisite context, check out Part 1Part 2, and Part 3. Today we shall briefly evaluate the principal objection to Cartesianism: the interaction problem. Without further ado, let’s evaluate Descartes’ arguments from dubitability and divisibility.

tumblr_pab5p6fFwi1w4gqwoo1_400.jpg Read more “Theories of Mind (Part 4): The Interaction Problem”

Theories of Mind (Part 1): Cartesian Dualism

Can you make consciousness out of sand? You can squeeze it, punch it, toss it in the air, or do all sorts of things to it. But is any of that sufficient for conscious experience?

This post marks the first installment of my series on philosophical theories concerning the nature of the mind. Is mere sand (or other configurations of particles) sufficient for conscious experience? What is the relation between particles and people?

It is to these questions that we turn in this series. So sit back, relax, and put your thinking cap on!

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The Virtual Certainty of the Existence of Other Minds

downloadBefore delving into the following argument, it will be helpful to clarify the relevant notion of probability at play. First, probabilities are understood as reasonable degrees of expectation (i.e. epistemic probability). In a probability analysis which employs epistemic probabilities, we are concerned not so much with the way the world actually is apart from our justified acceptances, i.e. how likely things are by their nature; rather, we are concerned with the degree to which we expect an outcome given our justified acceptances. Read more “The Virtual Certainty of the Existence of Other Minds”

Evaluating Arguments, Part 12: Presupposing What Needs to Be Explained

philosophy-of-mind-part-2-of-piero-scaruffis-class-thinking-about-thought-at-uc-berkeley-2014-27-638I will continually update this evaluating arguments series with examples of ways one can evaluate, analyze, and critique philosophical arguments. One particularly forceful way to critique an argument is found in a passage from philosopher Edward Feser’s The Philosophy of Mind.

Read more “Evaluating Arguments, Part 12: Presupposing What Needs to Be Explained”